
Flexible Content Management System


I'm Translating everything to french...

I can also check for revamping the lang-french.php to make it more stable... there are some lines inside that have bad accents (like é when we have to see È or & eacute; ...)

And yes, I'm French... that's why I'm not as good as you making good comments... I'm from quebec...:)

and yes i'm with Mac... postnuke works well on OS-X with Apache/php/mysql server !!

Regarding Usability

My purpose in posting this is to try to encourage anyone that is developing anything for Post Nuke to take a little time to think about the usability of the product from the stand point of an end-user who, most likely, has never even heard of Mysql, PHP or any of the other wonderful tools that are used to make websites run. It is surprising that most people can get confused by the simplest things on a webpage.

Has Post Nuke thought about starting a Usability section in the forum? I would like to see Post Nuke to be both functional from a programing perspective and easy to use from an end-user perspective.

I want to thank everyone here for all of the hard work that it takes to make this project work. I very much look forward to joining in on the fun, once I learn PHP :)

D Olsen

Promoting PostNuke - the wrong way!

Here's a couple of points to keep in mind:

* Personally, I have always favored the discrete approach, in the form of a simple link signature at the bottom, or under your name. You combine that with posting ins upport forums, in other words, helping people, and you cover two facets: 1) you help people, and they are grateful, 2) you keep the link and address in their mind's eye. ALWAYS make sure that URLs and links are active. Make it easiest for people to travel to the link.

* Never engage the other parties first, never resort to name calling, never get personal. Writing to someone "You're stupid for using PHPNuke, and your girlfriend is ugly too...!" never made a friend, and is certainly not going to convince them to give PostNuke the time of day.

* Never drag another project down in order to make yourself look good. PostNuke is good and can stand on its own merits. We have some awesomely talented developers working on it, we have a pretty good roadmap, we have a good fearless leader (every project needs one of those), and we are secure in what we have. Instead, be sure to point out all the positives in PostNuke (or at least the 5 most noticeables), and don't waste time with the shortcomings of the competition. Chances are, the person you're engaging already knows them all anyways.

* Always contact admins directly, always submit messages via the regular channels. You will make a lot more friends by contacting an admin personally andprivately, instead of flaming and spamming their entire site.

You get the picture, I'm sure -- combine common sense, and respect, and you should be on the right track to share your enthusiasm for PostNuke....

On the other hand, I bleieve we speak for everyone on the project that we will not tolerate hostilities, flames, insults, and most of all, SPAMMING to 'promote' PostNuke. That is simply not who we are and what we are about.

Thank you,


Translations needed

1) My Articles, Hungarian, Portuguese
2) My Downloads
3) My Links, Portuguese
4) My Reviews, Portuguese
5) My Stories, Portuguese
6) Articles Block, Portuguese, Swedish
7) Downloads Block, Portuguese, Swedish
8) Links Block, Portuguese, Swedish
9) Stories Block, Portuguese, Swedish
10) My Themes, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish

I also keep the list on my frontpage updated as to which translations have been done. Language files can be emailed to me at
Granted these are written for PHP-Nuke but I've starting getting a site for testing of Post-Nuke as well and hope to have these converted soon.

If you do a translation I've provided a space in each lang file for you to get the credit you deserve.

Network Solutions Out of Control

NSI recently launched a new program where you can "back order" domain names. For instance if you go to NSI and

type in the name of my website ( it will come back with a form

that gives you other name recommendations, the new twist is, there is now a link that says "domain name not available,

then back order it now!"

When you click the link, you get the sales pitch, which is as follows -

"Is the name you want already taken? Now you can back-order that domain name and thereby acquire it as soon as it becomes available. We watch it for you, every day, 24/7, so you don’t have to. And we register it for you for one year the moment it becomes available — all for the low cost of $49. TRY IT NOW! Start Here! Type in a name, then press Go!

NOTE: Within a day of each successful registration, you will receive an e-mail notification from NSI indicating that the name has been transferred to your individual account. Shortly thereafter, you will also receive your password via regular mail. Please make sure that your mailing address is correct.

If you have any questions about your NSI account, the toll free from the US is 1-888-642-9675 (all other areas call 1-703-742-0914) or see more details at:"

The implication of this scheme are numerous, it is obviously designed to:

1) Frighten Domain Name holders into purchasing 10 year registrations

2) Encourage others to try and steal your domain

3) Discourage any Billing Disputes with NSI

and what happens if you as a Domain Holder purchases a 10 year agreement, but because of NSI's incompentance,

your domain momentarily expires without your knowledge. This then allows the person who "back ordered" your

domain to come in and steal it right from under you.

Domain Name holders need to band together and petition ICANN to outlaw this new scheme. Later this week,

I will be launching a new petition drive on my website (

Once again this is yet another example of a large corporate monopoly abusing it's corporate power. This time,

it's time for consumers to start fighting back.

Every domain name owner should be OUTRAGED by this new policy.

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