
Flexible Content Management System


PostNuke CeBit meeting

Contributed by Karateka I will meet on Mar 13, 2002 - 06:32 PM

GDATA is not related to PostNuke in any way. I had a chance to exhibit a website with them last year and they are nice folks - that's the only reason why we pointed them out. :)

For additional information about the CeBit, please see our wiki-page and also the list of participants.

The official webpage of the CeBit (also available in English) is at

Please feel free to leave any ideas / impressions or useful links to exhibitors that might be of interest for PostNukers either as a comment here or add it to our wiki.

However, I have some additional links and addresses to companies that you could visit to get "inspirations" for PostNuke. :)

A database focused on content and knowledge management.

Halle 6 Block C38 Stand 349

Software for intra- and internet, portal builder, document sharing

Halle 6 - Block 38 - Stand 134

Content management; sgml/xml repository, consulting and publishing

Halle 6 - Block 38 - Stand 142

Knowledge management solutions for intra-/extra-/internet environments, categorization and speech recognition

Halle 6 - Block 52 - Stand 176a

Multi-Channel, cross-media publishing (web, wap, teletext), portals, intra-/internet, individualized it-solutions

Halle 6 - Block 20 - Stand 220b

Intra-/internet solutions, cross-plattform

Halle 6 - Block C38 - Stand 439

Integrated internetsolutions, eshop, ecatalogue, content management system, coaching, consulting

Halle 6 - Block A20 - Stand 103

P.S.: I, for my part, will be at the CeBit on Saturday and will be around the GDATA stand at 1pm. :)