
Flexible Content Management System


A Fond Farewell!

Contributed by on Aug 14, 2002 - 01:22 AM

I have greatly enjoyed my time working side by side with some of the most fantastic people in the world. It has been a wonderful experience for me, and I want to thank each and every one of you for jumping in and helping PostNuke towards the 1.0 release.

Somewhere in the past two months, I have lost my drive to deal with the criticism, as well as the praise. So, as unfortunate as it seems to be that I cannot complete my tenure, it is in the best interests of the community.

Effective immediately, Harry Zink is the Project Manager for PostNuke. His views and my views seem to be at the opposite end of the spectrum, however we both want PostNuke to succeed, so I feel the change is right. Harry is the last founding member of PostNuke, and therefore makes sense that he should take over the realms.

As for me, I am going to be working on some new projects, spending more time with the wife and kids, and basking in the good old days, where the largest problem that I had to deal with on a software project was how best to kill a bug.

Once again, thanks for the memories. I wouldn't have traded my time and lessons for anything.

J. Cox

Signing Off.