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PostNuke Project Summary - Issue #2

Contributed by on Nov 29, 2003 - 11:34 PM

Progression of PostNuke .8 CVS

As can be seen at the PostNuke .8 CVS is moving along daily. If you are interested in seeing the progression of the .8 release, we encourage you to grab a copy of the CVS, for details on doing this please see the CVS Guide.

Quality Assurance – Xanthia Templating Environment and pnRender

Following the testing period with the pnCorps an RC2 version of the Templating Environment and pnRender has now been packaged and is available for public testing from the

download page
. The public testing period should eliminate the last remaining bugs, hopefully allowing for a release of Xanthia and pnRender before Christmas. For the full release announcement, please see the XTE: RC2 Release article.

New Forums Established at pnForums

Those that visit the forums regularly may have noticed the addition of two new forums at We have added a forum dedicated to permissions issues, and a pnCommunity forum that specifically deals with education issues with PostNuke. This forum was established due to a substantial interest in the area, and we felt it would be useful to establish a single point for discussions on the issues surrounding PostNuke in education.

Documentation Project

Recently there have been a number of questions in the pnForums regarding the state of the documentation project. Although the pnGuide is no longer available, we are actively pursuing a number of solutions to the current lack of a user guide, including translating the German user guide at and writing an up to date guide for the .8 version of PostNuke. We understand that the lack of a user guide may cause problems for newer users of PostNuke, and we encourage users to search the pnForums for solutions, and ask for support with any issues you may have. Your patience is appreciated while the situation is resolved.

Developer Documentation.

One of the major changes for PN .8 will be a complete overhaul of the developer’s documentation. Using existing tools such as phpdoc ( and phpxref ( full code documentation can be generated directly out of the codebase itself. This documentation will provide significant help to the PN development community.

There are some working examples of the documentation available as PostNuke develops. These can be found at This consists of:


1) Xanthia Templating Environment - Includes .726 Version. Downloadable PDF


3) PostNuke .8 Core

4) PostNuke .8 System Modules


1) PostNuke .8 Core and System Modules