
Flexible Content Management System


Module Developers: Moving towards .8

Contributed by on Mar 03, 2007 - 06:11 PM

Of course all former core content modules, now know as "Value_Addons", work with .8 and so do most older modules. But only few already use the new features like DBUtil or the categories manager. The Quotes module of the Value_Addons is an example for all major new techniques being used. Most of all the use of the categories can be studied there.

And there are also the first 3rd party developers who started to work with .8 code:

  1. Multihook - The SVN version of Frank Schummertz's Multihook will be 5.0 and is already .8 only. (NOC: Multihook)

  2. pnUpper - Axel Guckelsberger made the upload hook-module far more flexible now and he completely rewrote it for .8 (NOC: pnUpper)

  3. Publish! - Is one of the first modules solely written for .8. There is no release yet, but the SVN version basically works with MS3. Patrick Cornelissen plans to integrate a revision system before the first release. (NOC: Publish!)

  4. If you are also already programming for .8 I would love to read something about it in the comments here or in your own articles.