
Flexible Content Management System


Stop flaming PHPNuke...

Some of the PostNuke supporters are "spamming" comments with "switch to PostNuke" and stuff. I refuse to believe that this is done by PostNuke devteam and therefor is NOT something that they do.

Nothing good ever came out of flaming - the only thing you "flamers" are doing is creating badwill between the PHPNukers and the PostNukers which is never a good solution. The hardcore PHPNukers will probably not switch to PostNuke anyways - until PostNuke has proven to be a "competitor" count on.

I am not saying that PostNuke is in error - I'm just saying stop flaming PHPNuke, the only thing that is accomplished is that people will dislike the PostNuke-team even if they are "innocent" to the flames.

Whatever you might think about Francisco Burzi and his way of developing PHPNuke, I for one don't approve of it, nothing is gained by making him even more anti-PostNuke than he already is. He can not stop PostNuke from evolving since he has released it under GNU/GPL so let PHPNuke co-exist with PostNuke without spamming with "flames". If FB doesn't see the changes that are going to come out of PostNuke is good then PHPNuke most likely will commit suicide. CVS developed projects always has "killed" other projects not doing it this way.

According to me there is NO way FB can continue developing on his own if PostNuke is a success (and you can keep the friendship between yourselves (see mPP)). Perhaps, but not likely, he will start using CVS development (he has said no to this for a long long time).

Just please stop this childish flaming - PostNuke is derived out of PHPNuke so stop flaming the source!



EasyNews 2.0, now for Nuke 5.0 in modules version

A lot of user-choices possibilities are now given...

To see easynews in action

Download easynews for phpNuke 5

Hope it helps you.

Feedback welcome ;-)

Davduf (sorry for my bad basic english)

More infos on

How fast did that page load...?

Open your mainfile.php

Add this function :

function ss_timing_start ($name = 'default') {

global $ss_timing_start_times;

$ss_timing_start_times[$name] = explode(' ', microtime());


function ss_timing_stop ($name = 'default') {

global $ss_timing_stop_times;

$ss_timing_stop_times[$name] = explode(' ', microtime());


function ss_timing_current ($name = 'default') {

global $ss_timing_start_times, $ss_timing_stop_times;

if (!isset($ss_timing_start_times[$name])) {

return 0;


if (!isset($ss_timing_stop_times[$name])) {

$stop_time = explode(' ', microtime());


else {

$stop_time = $ss_timing_stop_times[$name];


$current = $stop_time[1] - $ss_timing_start_times[$name][1];

$current += $stop_time[0] - $ss_timing_start_times[$name][0];

return $current;


and then open your footer.php

add this function:

$mtime2 = microtime();

$mtime2 = explode(" ",$mtime2);

$mtime2 = $mtime2[1] + $mtime2[0];

$endtime = $mtime2;

$totaltime = ($endtime - $starttime);

echo "This page was loaded in total time of $totaltime micro seconds

I know, I know, it's not so usefull, juz a fun hack for your postnuke site :)

I'll see what else i can do with php and post a new hacks , juz for fun, enjoy it guyz

MakeLang v2.0 - Language file builder

Main features are:

  • Create a new language file or update an existing one.

    (Also create any module specific language file when used with PHP-Nuke 5.0 and up.)

  • Automatically use HTML entities where appropriate (PHP 4 and up only; can be disable).

  • Optimize the language file by sorting the strings, for a faster translation process (usefull with older PHP-Nuke; prior to 5.0).

  • Highlight new strings that may need a translation, old strings which don't seem to be used anymore, strings which are used in a mail and need a special care in regard, eg., of the accentuated characters.

    With PHP-Nuke 5.0 (and up), MakeLang can be set to warn if there are identical definitions for 2 (or more) different constants.

  • Choice between 2 different systems (output formats) for the language file; also compatibles with the new translation system from PHP-Nuke 5.0 !

  • No WRITE operation is performed, for a safer usage. The new language file is sent to the browser; the user can then choose to save it, edit it and/or install it on his PHP-Nuke site.

Note: MakeLang uses Perl regular expressions, so PHP 3.0.9 (or better) is required !

Download it from the French PHP-Nuke portal:

Rem.: I don't know much yet about the Post-Nuke code, but MakeLang should work fine with it too. (Don't hesitate to mail me any comment; feedback is a great help to improve things !)

AmigaPhil at

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