
Flexible Content Management System


News archive for March, 2004

Title Category Pageviews Contributed
Critical sql injection bug in PhpBB 2.0.8 and in older versions
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3788 by on Mar 29, 2004
Taking Control of Your Website with PostNuke
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4390 by on Mar 26, 2004
PostNuke Support Forums Upgrade
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3782 by on Mar 26, 2004
PostNuke .750 - The Gold Release
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4508 by on Mar 25, 2004
Fantasy Zone RPG Gaming site now in postnuke
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3607 by on Mar 23, 2004
My_eGallery injection vulnerability
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4368 by on Mar 23, 2004
PHP 5 Release Candidate 1 Released - now feature-complete
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3669 by on Mar 20, 2004
StaffBike2000 PostNuked
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3637 by on Mar 18, 2004
New HotorNot Download Location
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3758 by on Mar 18, 2004
Demo User Tutorial
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3666 by on Mar 18, 2004
PostNuke Project Summary Issue #3
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4555 by on Mar 13, 2004
Postnuke .8 - A Preview
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4643 by on Mar 11, 2004
Online PHP Editor Contest
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3745 by on Mar 11, 2004
The pnCommunity Code of Conduct - A reminder
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4146 by on Mar 11, 2004
PostNuke, Licenses, Commercialism....
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3981 by on Mar 08, 2004
Some thoughts on going beyond data abstraction in PostNuke
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4033 by on Mar 06, 2004
TeamCTF.Com to Officially Launch on 3/8/2004
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3622 by on Mar 06, 2004
Would you pay?
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3602 by on Mar 03, 2004
SOLUTION to the pn-GPL "problem"
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3651 by on Mar 03, 2004
Gnome-blog and postnuke working with new xmlrpc protocol!
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3769 by on Mar 01, 2004